“Listen to me, don’t talk back, what’s the matter with you? You’re grounded” Who is this Father talking to? It appears that he is talking to his daughter, but his daughter is clearly not there. His daughter is so shut down that she is no longer able to hear what her father is saying. I

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Have you ever been in an argument with your teen, and when it was over, you felt completely beaten down? You may have felt weak, tired or anxious. You might even have had physical symptoms of pain, such as a stomachache. At times like this, the conversation seems more like a boxing match. After only

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I spend a fair amount of time with teenage girls and I have notice that some have great social skills and others are lacking. Last Friday I got to spend the day with a great group of girls at Copper Canyon Academy. I presented 2 workshops about loving yourself from the inside out. Even thought

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