Teen issues with drugs have always been a big problem for parents to deal with. Although the problem remains, the substances today’s kids are dealing with are a bit more frightening than the beer, grass and other teenage drugs used in the past.
A 2017 survey found that one out of seven teens admitted to taking a prescription painkiller that wasn’t prescribed to them. Another study found that up to 8 percent of high school seniors had abused Vicodin, a prescription opiate, within the past year.
More people are currently dying from prescription opiates than all other illegal drugs combined. Negative effects of prolonged abuse include a severely weakened immune system, gastrointestinal troubles, infections in the vein due to injecting the drug, difficulty breathing and a high risk of death.
This is a non-prescription substance that was banned in multiple states but is still legal in many others. The drug is harvested from the leaves of the kratom tree, which is native to Southeast Asia. The leaves can be smoked, brewed into a tea, ground and incapsulated, or made into an extract. It can easily be purchased on a variety of websites that sell herbs and natural products. Teen issues with kratom are sadly becoming more common.
Although the drug has not been officially listed as Schedule 1 by the U.S. government, the FDA has issued a warning. According to a report by the Washington Post, kratom has been linked to 44 deaths so far. It can also be very addictive for some people.
Synthetic Cannabinoids
These substances are known on the streets as “spice” or “K2”, and they are doing severe damage to our children. These man-made chemicals, which are commonly sold as herbal incense, are designed to create a high similar to cannabis. However, they are actually far more dangerous.
K2 is extremely addictive and can cause serious side effects and even death. The effects can continue for months and years after use is discontinued, and in some cases, the damage can be permanent. Vomiting, trouble breathing, mental confusion, depression, anxiety and heart damage are only a few of these devastating effects.
It’s important for parents to talk about these and other teenage drugs with their kids. For tips on how to begin the discussion, please contact me today.